Thursday, 6 February 2014

PITCH Feedback

On the 3rd of February we presented our Pitch to the rest of our class and our teachers. We were told that over all we had a really good pitch that included all the details needed if not in depth than the base of it at least. As we carefully worked hard on our pitch and idea together there were not many major changes we have to make but just a few tweaks that could make a difference to our opening.

The Feedback we received;

  • Originally the pitch said we would be filming on Lordship Road, however as it is a long road we need to be more specific with the actual location. Therefore we will be filming in Lordship North Estate.
  • Our Teacher also told us that our Animatic was quite short so we would need more shots. However as we didn't have time to create our storyboard and animatic we just created the basic outline of what we wanted to show.
  • We also need to carry out more research into our target audience. As we stated that in our pitch that are target audience are mostly boys between the ages 15-24, we also found that girls would also be interested in our film as we introduce a love interest of our main character. 

Overall there aren't really any changes that we need to make to our film, however these little tweaks to the background of our opening could make the whole bit of a difference.

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