Thursday, 13 February 2014

Production Progress 2

Today (13.02.2014) we did not film although our schedule said we would. The reason for this is because Andres was not in costume and again it was a short session and we felt it would not be as productive we had decided to film. Also we felt we didn't have much left to film so it was okay if we left filming out of this session. Instead we used this lesson to plan where we wanted to go from our current position. We watched through all of our footage and were pleased with most but there were a few we may considering re-shooting if we go ahead with actually using them. We started to place some of the clips together to see whether our outcome would be possible and we felt we were making great progress and were happy with where this project was going. We decided that we would definitely be using the half term holiday slot to get the footage we need outside of college such as the traveling to college. We felt that this would be a more useful time as we are able to choose the date and time which we would want to film. This means that we are less likely to have a time limit in which we must have our footage. Our plan now is to get all the footage of Andres traveling to college on 17th February, and also to hopefully get out shots of tourist attractions of London the day after. Hopefully the filming is a success this holiday, so when we return to college we can watch all the footage and record any extra footage within the college which we feel could've been done better. If this all goes to plan then we will be able to start editing earlier then planned and ace our teen drama opening. 

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